Database: Chinese Restaurant Sales DB (Spring, 2019)
<Summary of Market Analysis>
[Analysis of commercial districts in Chinese restaurants]
Percentage of sales by age: The percentage of sales by age at Chinese restaurants is the largest at about 62 percent of people in their twenties.
Day-of-week sales ratio: The ratio of sales by day of the week at Chinese restaurants is similar on all days of the week, but among them, Tuesdays and Wednesdays account for about 16 percent.
Percentage of Sales by Gender: The ratio of sales by gender in the catering industry is 72 percent for women and 28 percent for men, with women accounting for the overwhelming majority.
[Analysis of commercial districts in Ewha Station: Analysis of Gender of Floating Population]
Floating Population by Age and Gender: The average of the floating population of women is higher than that of men in all age groups except under teens.
Floating population by gender by time zone: 14 o'clock is the most floating population for both women and men.
The floating population by gender by day of the week: Both women and men have a lower floating population on weekends than on weekdays, a large floating population on Wednesdays on weekdays, and a low floating population on Mondays.
<Customer Management SQL>
1. Input:
VALUES ( 전화번호, 주소, 성별, 나이대)
2. Searching
3. Searching with Phone #
WHERE 전화번호 LIKE 입력된 전화번호
<Requirement Specification>
1. The counter collects the customer's phone number, address, gender, and age.
2. Customer information is collected per person, not per table.
3. Customers are identified by phone number.
4. Customer's address shall be classified only as a building block.
5. The age range is divided into 10~60s.
6. Customers can make a reservation.
7. Reservations must maintain reservation number, reservation time, number of reservations, and customer information.
8. The number of reservations is limited to a maximum of 30 people.
9. One customer can make one reservation.
10. Reservation times are limited from 10 am to 9 pm.
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