Computer Architecture 2
Divide instruction to multi-steps and overlap the execution in clock cycle.
Do not wait until all of the steps are finished.
Pros: Throughput +
Cons: Latency not improved, Need additional HW
<5 steps for pipelining Processor>
IF - ID - EX - MEM - WB
Multiple instructions can be executed at the same time.
<Pipelining Hazards>
1) Structural hazard
use the same resource simultaneously
해결) Von Neuman Architecture -> Harvard architecture: separate MEM
2) Control Hazard
make a decision before the condition is evaluated - branch hazard
해결) Stall / Predict / Delayed branch
3) Data hazards
Use data before its ready
해결) Stall/ Forwarding/ Reading
make data access time faster
- Temporal locality
- Spatial locality
<Directed Mapped Cache>
Data fetched from MEM
Cache index = Block Adress mod # of the blocks
<Page Fault>
Page table MISS
- Write Back:
Page Fault handler: locate the page on DISK - choose a page to replace in Page Table - If dirty, write back to DISK - read page fro DISK to MEM
<Page Table>
Translate virtual Page to physical page
Indexed by virtual page #
1. 128 blocks, 32 byte/block -> tag, index, offeset bits?
Block 개수 = 128 = 2^7 -> Cache index = 7 bit
1 Block 크기 = 32 byte = 2^5 -> byte offset = 5bit
전체 32bit이므로,
tag = 32 - (7 + 5) = 20 bit
** Block address = Tag + Index = Byte adress / [Block 크기]
** Block number = Cache Index = Block Adress mod # of Blocks
** 32bit 주소 = Tag + Cache Index + byte Offset
2. Virtual MEM = 16K byte, virtual page #, the page offset?
1 page = 16K = 2^4*2^10 byte = 2^14 byte -> Page offset = 14bit
Page Number = 32 bit - 14 bit = 18 bit
** Virtual Address = Page # + Page Offset
** TLB - MEM - PT - DISK
Translation Lookahead Buffer.
The cache of Page table in CPU
locality가 높은 page를 모아두기
** TLB MISS: OS kernel mode, Exception
- Page in MEM: TLB miss handler
- Page not in MEM: Page fault
1) Compualsary MISS = cold start MISS
2) Capacity MISS
3) Conflict MISS = Collision MISS
<Checking I/O devcices>
Polling vs Interrupts
Polling: periodically check status register, small & cheap
Interrupts: status/ data register interrupts CPU
<MultiTheadind Mechnisms>
1) Fine-grain: switch thread every clock cycle
2) Coarse grain: when there is a long stall
3) Simultaneous: dynamic
1) Shared MEM processor (SMP)
Each processor has its own private virtual address space
2) Message passing
The processor has its own physical MEM
HW send() receive () msg
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