
I'm a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Toronto, working under the supervision of Prof. Khai Truong.

My research centers human-AI interaction, with an emphasis on accessibility and creativity support, particularly in enhancing "music accessibility" for d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. One of my main projects involves song signing to support culturally responsive content creation and encourage collaboration between d/Deaf and non-d/Deaf artists. Another aspect of my work focuses on enhancing people's well-being. I am engaged in projects that support individuals with dementia in their out-of-home experiences and encourage mindful eating behaviours among children.

I completed my B.Sci in Computer Science and Engineering at Ewha Womans University, where I was advised by Prof. Uran Oh (Human-Computer Interaction Lab) and Prof. Hyokyung Bahn (Distributed Computing and Operating System Lab). Additionally, I worked as a research intern at the Samsung AI Centre Toronto under the guidance of Dr. Iqbal Mohomed, and at NAVER AI (HCI group) with Dr. Young-Ho Kim.

How to "Contact" to POI 관심 교수님께 컨택 드리는 방법! (Email example)


1. 교수님 홈페이지 방문
- 교수님 CV 읽어보기
- 랩실 구성원 파악하기
- 교수님이 새로운 학생을 구하시는지 
- 교수님이 하시는 연구

2. 교수님 Google Scholar 방문
- 교수님 대표 논문 읽어보기
- 논문 3-4 편 정도 요약하기

3. 이메일 작성하기

* 제목
<Seeking Ph.D. opportunity for fall 2021>

* 교수님 Full name 

Dear Prof. Anhong Guo,

* 자기소개: 이름, 학교, 직책
이메일의 목적: 박사과정 학생을 뽑으시는지?

This is Suhyeon Yoo, an undergraduate (senior) student of Computer Science and Engineering at Ewha Womans University (Seoul, South Korea), an Alternate Candidate for a 2021 Fulbright Graduate Student Program Award. I am writing this email to respectfully ask you if you have a plan to accept new graduate students next year (Fall, 2021).

* 자기소개 2: 졸업 예정, 성적

To shortly introduce myself, I am expecting to graduate in February 2021 [GPA of 4.15 out of 4.30 (1st place in the department (1/364))], and I would like to pursue a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan.

* 자기소개 3: 연구 경험, 논문

Also, I have research experience for about 2 years: Started researching in an Operating System lab about real-time process scheduling (IIBC ’20, RTCSA ’20, submitted TII ’21), now I am working at the HCI lab (with Prof. Uran Oh) at my department. My recent work is about increasing the Accessibility of comics for people with visual impairments (submitted CHI ‘21, and building a Face Recognition system on MS Hololens1.

* 교수님 연구 분야에 관심

I am quite amazed that all the fields I'm currently interested in are included in the research you've been doing so far. I am broadly interested in Accessibility + Mobile (Ubiquitous computing) within the HCI field, accessing visual information using Machine Learning and Computer Vision, monitoring and sensing using Wearable and Fabrication.

* 교수님 논문 

Among your valuable works, your articles about AR:  Making Mobile Augmented Reality Applications Accessible (ASSETS 2020) and Blocks: Collaborative and Persistent Augmented Reality Experiences (Ubicomp 2019), helped me to further develop my academic interests in using AR & AI technologies in Accessibility. (Face Recognition System at Hololens for People with Visual Impairments.

* 관심 연구

Also, I am interested in developing an intelligent system in which humans and artificial intelligence can cooperate. I particularly prefer applying computer vision among the various fields of artificial intelligence that I took 2 computer vision classes because it’s fun and cool! ( This is why I am really attracted to your work: Crowd-AI Camera Sensing in the Real World (Ubicomp 2018) and VizWiz-Priv: A Dataset for Recognizing the Presence and Purpose of Private Visual Information in Images Taken by Blind People (CVPR 2019).

* 희망 연구 분야

I would like to further utilize and develop (1) my major (computer science) knowledge and coding skills, (2) Accessibility research experience in HCIL to become a Technical  HCI researcher pursuing Access and Equity under your guidance by joining  HAIL (Human–AI Lab).

* 마무리

Therefore, applying to Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan for the fall semester of 2021, I am wondering if you could be a Potential Ph.D. Advisor for next year. If yes, I would like to ask you if I can mention your name on my application documents, and keep in touch with you.

There is more information about me (whole projects & publications) on my website. 👈

I have also attached my CV, and also you can check it from my website below.   👈

Lastly, I greatly appreciate your time and look forward to hearing back from you.

* TMI ㅋㅋ

p.s. The University of Michigan is special for me because I graduated from an elementary school in Rochester Hills, Michigan. Although I graduated from middle school, high school, and university in Korea, I always have thought of returning to Michigan. I want to spend not only the start but also the end of my academic (school)-path in Michigan.


Suhyeon Yoo

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Human-Computer Interaction Lab

Ewha Womans University
