
I'm a 4th-year Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science at the University of Toronto, working under the supervision of Prof. Khai Truong.

My research centers human-AI interaction, with an emphasis on accessibility and creativity support, particularly in enhancing "music accessibility" for d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals. One of my main projects involves song signing to support culturally responsive content creation and encourage collaboration between d/Deaf and non-d/Deaf artists. Another aspect of my work focuses on enhancing people's well-being. I am engaged in projects that support individuals with dementia in their out-of-home experiences and encourage mindful eating behaviours among children.

I completed my B.Sci in Computer Science and Engineering at Ewha Womans University, where I was advised by Prof. Uran Oh (Human-Computer Interaction Lab) and Prof. Hyokyung Bahn (Distributed Computing and Operating System Lab). Additionally, I worked as a research intern at the Samsung AI Centre Toronto under the guidance of Dr. Iqbal Mohomed, and at NAVER AI (HCI group) with Dr. Young-Ho Kim.

How I studied "TOEFL"

토플은 학원에 다니지 않고, 이화여대 도서관에서 지원해주는 해커스 토플 인강 (정규, 실전)을 들었습니다.


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실전 처럼 풀고 난 후 지문을 분석하였고, 모르는 단어를 암기하였습니다.


템플릿 외우기를 추천합니다.

시험 볼때에는 최대한 목소리를 크게하기! 틀려도 당당하게 말하기!


티처 준 강력 추천합니다.

제가 라이팅 점수가 계속 19점, 20점이 나와서 목표점수인 총합 100점을 넘지 못하였는데,

유튜브 티처 준 선생님 강의를 듣고, 템플릿을 적용하였더니, 24점을 받아 토플 졸업에 성공했습니다. 

추천드립니다! ✋
